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High Codes Podcast

Few weeks ago I was invited onto the High Codes Podcast to speak on the brand, my influences, and everything GoonMilk. Speaking on everything from how I came up with the name to my latest drop, Bottle Girls Swimwear, and much more. I really love Podcasts and speaking about my passions, but hearing my voice and the most annoying “Uhh’s” and “Its Like…” in-between each word keeps me from doing these interviews on the regular. I love giving the listeners insight on the struggles of entrepreneurship but always encourage people to start a business of their own and experience the ups and downs for theirselves. I tend to ramble on though…

Anyway take a listen, Shoutout cuzzo Mook and Chuck for the invite!

heres the podcast Below:

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Session 92: We bring you Avante (@UhVawnTay), the creator of GoonMilk (@GoonMilk) High Codes