Trials and Tribulations


This passed week was a literal week from Hell. Anything that could go wrong did, and with each L came a lesson right along with it. From the tragic death of Kobe Bryant along with his daughter Gianna and 7 other passengers in a helicopter crash. The whole world is just now realizing isn’t fake news and have to cope with the lost of not only a Black Super Hero in sports but a true Legend who will never be forgotten. To the death of former Dematha coach and local legend Morgan Wooten, whom I attended his Basketball camps many a year growing up. As well as three deaths in the family, one being Dylunteh a childhood friend taken too early. These deaths all taught me how easily you can be here, healthy and striving one day and gone the next. To take advantage of the time I have here and to cherish those I have around me.


I also caught the flu last week and still recovering now. I hate being sick, it literally drains everything out of me. Snotty nose, congested, terrible cough, puffy eyes, you name it… I usually only get sick twice a year when the seasons change but it’s always terrible. Lasts a week and then I’m back to normal, luckily this is exactly how it went down.


The combination of being sick and all the deaths had me in a depressed state for a day or two. No self esteem, no confidence, just sulking in my bed wishing I had someone to show me they cared and to snap me out of my funk. It sucks knowing your mind can get in such a rut and sink to dark places when you’re feeling down n out I wish I could never feel like that, but I think every one has their bad days. Once my health turned around so did my attitude.


I can’t say it was all bad all week, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and got back to work, from making Zel’s “Do the Work.” tees to making custom Kobe and Gianna tees and hoodies celebrating Mamba Mentality and even got one to Vic for his comeback game. Also inked a deal with Job Corps to come speak to some kids about entrepreneurship. As well as teamed up with Zel and Malik of Campaign to teach kids how to print and press in our own Parks and Recs tour with Dream Village. A partnership that will no doubt become something amazing in the upcoming months for our community as well as for the Prather Foundation, GoonMilk, and Campaign.


Even though I went through all these trials and tribulations I still am grateful and extremely blessed and highly favored. Thank god I don’t look like what I been through. Keep me in your prayers and well wishes. I’m gonna keep running this Marathon and keep the Mamba mentality in everything I do!


Being Present


Geordan dropped a Gem