Writers live Twice.

First and foremost,



Now that I’ve given up social media for the rest of the year I decided to begin writing again and journaling my daily thoughts. Its given me a taste of how I used to express myself openly through writing and through poetry before everything was made into 140-character piece of shit tweets every millisecond of every day. I also had a “someone said you falling off ooo i needed that” drake moment this week [well not really but thats how it felt] that really got me thinking about how I communicate and express myself. Social Media has given us all short cuts into people’s lives and how people feel in a mind numbing microwave fashion. Thats not how I want to leave my legacy, especially not the way I was abusing the platform to garner unwanted attention. Life is deeper than 140 characters always has been and squeezing emotion and real life into an app for the world to see a snapshot of personal thoughts is just madness at my big age. Granted Twitter is good for what its good for, laughs and breaking news but lets call a spade a spade its full of negativity, judgement, and fake news, or real news from fake people.

Nonetheless Im getting back to what I know, the arts. Poetry, Writing, Music, and Film. My passions and the beauty of expressing oneself creatively. Reading and bettering myself, and enjoying the simple things in life. Not necessarily taking a break but just rerouting my energy back to the basics of who I am internally and getting rid of I guess who I thought I was supposed to be for social media or just people period. I am different, and Im okay with being different. I like different.

Anyways Im rambling on, take a look at my two favorite Poems by my favorite author Saul Williams and a poem by the poet Gemineye. Both clips like 10 years old but still mean a lot to how I write and what I write about. I even have an Ohm tattoo. Saul Williams’ Books in college sparked my writing interest and “Penny for your thoughts” is the first poem I felt spoke to how I want to express my feelings toward women. Ive always been more receptive to a woman’s mental than the physical attributes. They buying ass and titties now anyway, thats always gonna be around but if Im not mentally attracted i can’t even look at a woman the same.

Again rambling… check out the videos below.

Does anybody know of any good poetry clubs?


GoonMilkTV vol.12 “For Inspirational Purposes Only”


Do Not Disturb December