GoonMilkTV vol.12 “For Inspirational Purposes Only”

Your contributions to #100HoodiesForTheHomeless has helped not only provide warmth but hope for humanity. Showing that someone cares for those who feel uncared for. Passing out the first five hoodies and seeing the joy on these people faces was priceless. Can’t wait to hand out the next batch!

In the ten maybe fifteen minutes I spent with my new friends Q and Reds I learned a lot. The OG game spilleth over as soon as we linked up. Talking about 5013C Nonprofit organizations, social empowerment, black pride, nutrition, books about branding, all while exhibiting resilience like none other. Just wish I could do more to help out their situations than hoodies, but I’ll be back soon. There’s no reason men that intelligent have to resort to living in a park for 35 years. Gotta do better as a human race and it starts with yourself. I’m going to change the world one day and it’s gonna include everyone that’s ever been left out.


DNDDecember week 1


Writers live Twice.