I’m Gonna Be A Father!

I couldn’t hold my excitement any longer, tried to hold off til Father’s Day but yesterday I got to see my first sonogram in person and Me and Ashlee are having a healthy baby due late December. She’s 12 weeks pregnant just finishing up her first trimester. We don’t know the sex of the baby just yet and are planning a gender reveal for our families later next month.
My greatest accomplishment yet, and I’m so excited to take on the challenge of fatherhood. The support from not only my family and close friends, but Ash’s Family as well has been so welcoming and heart warming.

We have huge families and both are the last to have kids so our families are both like “it’s about time”. I couldn’t have chosen a better partner to embark on this journey with. We are both overly caring individuals and huge on family. Our Moms are just as excited as we are becoming first time grandmothers lol. I’m also really excited for our grandparents to see our baby, that was a big fear of not having them around while raising my kids because they were so influential in my upbringing, and I know it’s the same for Ash and Her Gma, Gwenny who raised her and I have come to love as my own! Her family reminds me of mine so much it’s crazy.
There’s no doubt in my mind about Ash’s ability to be a great mom and co-parent as we grow through this pregnancy together. Can’t wait til I’m holding my baby in my arms and crying tears of joy! This will be my first time getting to celebrate Father’s Day and I’m excited about that as well. I don’t even know what to ask for lol

Thank you for all of the well wishes and congratulations from those I let know early and those of you just finding out. We will be registered on Amazon’s Baby Registry soon, bare with me, I am new to this lol. If you have any suggestions or books or comments please do not hesitate to contact me and leave comments. Please continue to support my business as it supports the baby tremendously lol.
Also Baby Goons Gear is coming but I’m sure you guys knew that!


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