10 years, 10 ten toes down!

After rummaging through my Facebook this morning, not only have i found some of the most ridiculous posts, pictures, and videos from the past ten years but I've also noticed how much things have grown, and how many things have stayed the same. Im still in love with blogging, I still love streetwear, Im still eager to create! Even though the crowd has changed around me I still feel like I'm still just being me. Its a good feeling knowing you haven't lost yourself on whatever path your life has chosen. Yes its been a crazy ten years and I've survived but sometimes survival isn't who you really are at the roots. I feel like I've stuck to my roots and built something amazing in GoonMilk and built myself up into something I hadn't even imagined was possible ten years ago. Looking back Life is good, I'm exactly where I want to be and still wanting more for me and the family.

Today is one of my oldest and closest friends Birthday’s. My good man Terrance turns 31 today! We went from going to Middle school together and then College at Morgan as well. Every single week was a lituation and we really ran the streets doing whatever we wanted. As many turn ups we’ve had over the years, we’ve also had many crazy nights where I ended up passed out drunk, lost in a Bmore hospital, the time I crashed my car in the woods both of us sleep when the state troopers came to check on us, and even a few scuffles, but nonetheless I’ve watched him grow into a great father and accomplish his goals in becoming a sports agent. Extremely proud seeing where we came from and where we are now. One day we’re gonna have to sit down and get all these wild nights recapped for a GoonMilkTV episode. But for now heres Terrance’s Birthday 10 years ago and New years 2010 on BoooogieTV my first attempt at vlogging from my first blog Boooogie.Blogspot.com.

Happy Bday Bro lets link and turn up how we used to lol




Queen and Slim