
GoonMilk Message of the Day via Will Smith

The older I get the more I realize who I was when I was younger is now much more complicated and needs much more attention and appreciation from not just others but from myself as well. Becoming more self conscious and a student of my own persona and figuring out why I am the way I am is something I have recently begun to focus on. More so just trying to understand life and how to continue to grow in an optimal manner for myself and my family. I am beginning to understand what makes me happy and how to keep those vibrations around me and flowing through me. To do so I had to detox the things that block those vibrations and untangling the mess of what truly makes me happy and what’s just a filler For the moment like material things or possessions or even thoughts or memories. Also releasing the mental hold of expectation or opinions others have on me. Living a life of true freedom and happiness and not confusing freedom of choice or variety with true freedom which is the choice and ability to live without. Not being a slave to the wants of the world and being grateful for all I already have. Building a Bigger and Better Boooogie from the inside out.


From Paris with LoVe


Happy Birthday MLK!